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Cantor Colburn Ranked #16 for Trademarks in 2024
Cantor Colburn is the #16 U.S. law firm for trademarks in 2024. Cantor Colburn was the law firm responsible for 1,108 trademark registrations granted by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. This is 55% growth from the previous year.
The source for this ranking is IDiyas, a comprehensive Inventor/Patent platform celebrating and supporting inventors worldwide, publishes an extensive database of USPTO records, including annual and year-to-date data on trademarks. utility, design, and plant patents.
One of the nation’s largest full-service intellectual property law firms, Cantor Colburn has enjoyed tremendous growth in recent years. Our trademark attorneys manage more than 24,000 marks in more than 100 countries for our clients.
Our robust Trademark & Copyright practice group is dedicated to helping clients leverage these valuable intellectual property rights to their best advantage. We counsel clients ranging from entrepreneurial start-ups and mid-sized companies to Fortune 100 multinationals in all aspects of trademark and copyright law. Many of our clients are leaders in their industries, such as biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, computer science, entertainment and telecommunications. Clients benefit from our strategically-focused approach to the creation and protection of their brands and content.