Practice Areas
- Artificial Intelligence Practice
- Computer Science Practice
- Derivation Proceedings
- Design Patents Practice
- Due Diligence in IP Acquisitions
- Ex Parte Reexaminations
- Expedited Patent Examination
- Foreign & PCT Patent Filing
- Inter Partes Review
- International
- Invalidity Opinions
- IP Transactional
- Licensing
- Mechanical Engineering Practice
- Non-infringement Opinions
- Opinions
- Patent Landscaping and Risk Analysis
- Patent Reissue
- Patentability Opinions
- Patents
- Post Grant Practice
- Post-Grant Review
- Product Clearance
- Right to Practice Opinions
- Strategic IP Portfolio Development and Management
- Technology Transfer
- Trade Secrets
- Utility, Design, and Plant Patent Filing with the USPTO
- Aerospace & Aeronautics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Automotive Technology
- Computer and Systems Engineering
- Computer Science & Software
- Electrical Engineering & Electronics
- Electro-Communications
- Energy
- Internet & E-Commerce
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgy & Ceramics
- Semiconductor Devices & Processing Methods
- Telecommunications
- State of Connecticut, 2012
- Supreme Court of the United States, 2008
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 2001
- State of New York, 2000
- U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, 2000
- U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, 2000
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, JD, 2000
NYU-Tandon School of Engineering (formerly Polytechnic Institute), M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 2006
NYU-Tandon School of Engineering (formerly Polytechnic Institute), Graduate Certificate in Network Telecommunications, 2005
State University of New York at Buffalo, B.S. in Aerospace Engineering, 1994
Teaching Positions
- Quinnipiac University School of Law, Adjunct Professor of Cyber Law
- NYU-Tanden School Of Engineering, Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering
- NYIT (Westbury), Adjunct Professor of Aerospace Engineering
David has served as both in-house and outside counsel to some of the largest and most recognizable Fortune 500 companies. In these positions, he has been responsible for developing, coordinating and executing all aspects of patent protection strategies among global teams of business and technology hubs. In addition, he has developed objectives and procedures for identifying and protecting high value technology assets, and organized and led teams of technology leaders, who assisted in coordinating enterprise-wide protection efforts. David also managed patent procurement efforts by in-house and outside counsel.
David has been working with transactions for more than a decade, drafting and negotiating on behalf of clients many agreements directed to protecting IP generated and or transfer between parties, including joint development agreements, software as a service agreements, and asset transfer agreements. David has assisted with due diligence reviews implicating such agreements.
Also strong in patent preparation and prosecution, David has drafted and prosecuted patent applications in the mechanical, electro-mechanical, telecommunication arts, to name a few, and participated in various post grant reviews. He also has extensive experience in procuring design patents for his clients. He has also drafted many freedom-to-operate opinions and patentability opinions for his clients. Further, David has protected his clients’ interests in litigation matters via various Examination Before Trial (EBT) proceedings, including taking and defending depositions, preparing and examining infringement claim charts, preparing Markman briefs and assisting in Markman hearings.
David enjoys lecturing about intellectual property and technical subject matter, and has participated in and chaired many industry conferences and panels. David has lectured about patents, including utility and design patents, as well as other forms of intellectual property, to clients, startups, and to other attorneys via local and regional committee activities. He taught Cyber Law at Quinnipiac University School of Law as an Adjunct Professor for several years. He also taught mechanical and aerospace engineering courses to undergraduate and graduate students at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering (formerly known as Brooklyn Polytechnic University) as an Adjunct Professor for several years.
Experience Highlights
Partner, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2022-present
Counsel, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2016-2021
Counsel, Patents, Trade Secrets, Technology, Aetna, 2015-2016
Assistant Intellectual Property Counsel, United Technologies Corporation, Pratt & Whitney Division, 2012-2015
Counsel, Day Pitney, LLP, 2007-2012
Senior Associate, Jordan & Hamburg, LLP, 2004-2007
Associate, Scully, Scott, Murphy & Presser, P.C., 2001-2003
Associate, Darby & Darby, P.C., 1999-2001
Structural Dynamics / Acoustics Engineer, Electric Boat Corporation, a General Dynamics Company, 1996-1997
Processes Design Engineer, Pall Corporation, 1995-1996
Junior Engineer, CCI Manufacturing, A Ryder Truck Company, 1994-1995
- December 9, 2024
The USPTO has announced fee increases and new fees for patents and trademarks to take place on January 18, 2025, for trademarks, and January 19, 2025, for patents. Cantor Colburn's Client Alert summarizes the significant changes, which necessitate careful budget considerations. If you have questions about these fees and how to adjust your strategy to minimize their impact in the short term, please contact Cantor Colburn. If you are within the filing window for a submission and wish to take advantage of the lower fees in 2024, we would be happy to accommodate those instructions.
- November 7, 2024
Cantor Colburn has been named a Tier 1 firm in Hartford for Patent Law, Trademark Law, Copyright Law, Litigation - Patent, and Litigation - Intellectual Property Practice in the 2025 edition of Best Law Firms®.
- Best Lawyers
Cantor Colburn is proud to announce that the following attorneys are recognized as 2025 Best Lawyers: Christopher C. Boehm, David Bomzer, Alison Caless, Michael A. Cantor, Michelle P. Ciotola, Philmore H. Colburn II, Steven M. Coyle, Nicholas A. Geiger, Charles F. O'Brien, Roberta L. Pelletier, Leah M. Reimer, Ph.D., David E. Rodrigues, Ph.D., Bryan D. Zerhusen, Ph.D., Susan M. Zerull. Michael Cantor is a Best Lawyer Lawyer of the Year.
Cantor Colburn Client Alert
The Federal Circuit recently discarded its long-established test for assessing non-obviousness as it relates to a challenged design patent and to design patent applications under examination at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The court replaced the test with a modified version of the Graham multi-factor analysis currently used for assessing the validity of a utility patent and the non-obviousness of utility applications. Read Cantor Colburn's Client Alert about this issue, including key takeaways.
- March 16, 2023
On March 16, 2023, the United States Copyright Office (USCO) issued a Statement of Policy titled “Copyright Registration Guidance: Works Containing Material Generated by Artificial Intelligence,” which clarifies the USCO’s practices for examining and registering works that contain material generated using Artificial Intelligence technology. Cantor Colburn offers this Client Alert to examine the issues and what this means for you.
- January 25, 2022
After many years of starts and stalls, the Unitary Patent System in Europe is finally happening. The Unitary Patent System will provide the option to obtain a single European Patent which can be enforced against an infringer acting in any member state. This appears to be a game changer for owners of patents that issue under the protocol.
- January 12, 2022
The USPTO has announced the Deferred Subject Matter Eligibility (SME) Response Pilot Program, which launches on February 1, 2022, and provides applicants with a limited waiver with respect to SME rejections applied against an application. The program provides a sequenced approach to handling substantive rejections, where SME rejections are handled after the resolution of all other patentability rejections.
- December 21, 2021
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is proposing to implement electronic patent issuance. Under this change, the USPTO would no longer issue patents on paper; instead, it would issue patents electronically through its patent document viewing system. This would mean patents would issue sooner in electronic form, possibly with only two or three days’ notice, and that physical copies would no longer be mailed to the correspondence address as part of the patent issuance process.
- November 19, 2021
On November 19, 2021, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued a final rule that will delay an additional fee for nonprovisional utility patent applications, including any continuing applications, not filed in DOCX format. Through this ruling, the USPTO is delaying the effective date of this fee until January 1, 2023.
- August 20, 2021
In August 2021, the United States Federal Circuit Court of Appeals held in Omni Medsci vs. Apple Inc. that a university IP policy and employment agreement providing that patents developed by an employee “shall be the property of” the university does not present an automatic assignment of future patent rights, and therefore is not sufficient to effectuate the assignment of legal title to the university. This case is a reminder that proper assignment language in a contract must be utilized to effectuate the desired transfer of intellectual property, and without it, you may not own what you think you own.
- June 30, 2021
The recent U.S. Supreme Court opinion in Minerva Surgical, Inc. v. Hologic, Inc., et al. upholds the centuries-old doctrine of assignor estoppel while simultaneously clarifying the boundaries of the doctrine’s application. Minerva may impact how businesses develop and implement their strategies to perfect ownership of their intellectual property. Cantor Colburn's Client Alert discusses what this means to you.
- March 21, 2025New York City
The New York Intellectual Property Law Association's 103rd Annual Dinner in Honor of the Federal Judiciary is on March 21, 2025. Cantor Colburn is proud to sponsor this event for many years.
- March 5, 2025Washington, D.C.
David Bomzer will attend the Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) 8th annual IPOwners Spring Summit on March 6, 2025, in Washington, D.C. David, a partner and member of Cantor Colburn's IP Transactional Practice Group, is Vice Chair of the IPO's IP Transactions Committee.
- December 11, 2024New Haven, Connecticut
The Connecticut Intellectual Property Law Association and the Judge Janet Bond Arterton American Inn of the Court present the Distinguished IP Practitioners Dinner 2024 on December 11, 2024 in New Haven, Connecticut, which will honor Judge Arterton and others.
- December 9, 2024webinar
David Bomzer will speak at the panel Trade Secrets and Artificial Intelligence at the Trade Secrets Symposium 2024: Navigating the Law of Trade Secrets and Restrictive Covenants presented by the New York City Bar Association, taking place Monday, December 9, and Tuesday, December 10, 2024.
- October 8, 2024virtual
David Bomzer speaks at the New York Intellectual Property Law Association (NYIPLA) IP Transactions Bootcamp. This program is a webinar occurring on October 8, 15, and 21, 2024.
- September 22, 2024Chicago
The 2024 Intellectual Property Owners (IPO) Annual Meeting takes place September 22-24, 2024, in Chicago. Partners David Bomzer and Chris Boehm will attend.
- September 17, 2024virtual
David Bomzer is a Patent Clinician at the PLI Patent Fundamentals Bootcamp 2024: An Introduction to Patent Drafting, Prosecution, and Litigation, a virtual program on September 17, 2024. David will speak on Patent Claim Drafting.
- September 10, 2024New York City
Cantor Colburn Partner David Bomzer is a featured speaker at the Joint Patent Practice Continuing Legal Education’s (JPPCLE) annual one-day seminar in New York City. David will be on the High Tech, Legislation, and Policy Panel, speaking on Pitfalls in Claim Drafting for AI Inventions.
- June 18, 2024Fairfield, Connecticut
Cantor Colburn attorneys are active Connecticut Intellectual Property Law Association (CIPLA) members, and regularly serve as the organization's officers. Joe Romagnano is Vice President and David Bomzer is Treasurer. They will attend the CIPLA Lobster Bake and Annual Meeting 2024.
- April 11, 2024
Cantor Colburn Partner David Bomzer will be a panelist in the live interactive CLE webinar, "Protecting IP in Joint Ventures and Collaborations: Key Considerations, Management of IP, and Structuring Agreements" on April 11, 2024 from 1-2:30 PM. This CLE webinar will guide counsel to IP owners on protecting IP in a joint venture (JV) or collaboration.
- March 22, 2024
The 102nd Dinner in Honor of the Federal Judiciary will be held on March 22, 2024 in New York City. Cantor Colburn has sponsored the event for more than a decade.
- March 7, 2024Washington, D.C.
IPOwners Spring Summit will take place on March 7, 2024 in Washington, D.C. Cantor Colburn David Bomzer, a member of the IPO IP Licensing and Related Issues Committee.
- January 17, 2024virtual
Cantor Colburn Partner David Bomzer speaks on the live Strafford CLE webinar panel, Enforceable Nondisclosure Agreements: Protecting Trade Secrets and Other Confidential Business Information, on January 17, 2024.
This CLE course will guide business counsel in drafting nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) before engaging in confidential business negotiations. David will be a part of a panel of experts outlining best practices for negotiating and drafting NDAs based on their extensive experiences with these types of agreements. The panel will examine key contract provisions and exclusions, common negotiation challenges, and best practices to minimize the risk of litigation for misappropriation of confidential information.
- December 12, 2023Cantor Colburn Hartford Office and Virtual
Cantor Colburn Partner Eric Baron, Chair of the Artificial Intelligence Practice, moderates the discussion, Ethics Check-In! – USPTO Insight and Practical Implications of AI, presented by the Connecticut Bar Association's the IP Section on December 12, 2023 at Cantor Colburn's Hartford office.
- December 11, 2023webinar
The New York City Bar CLE Programs presents the Trade Secret Symposium 2023, a two-day program, focusing on trade secret law, will examine some of an organization’s most valuable assets, from cutting edge technologies to profit-enhancing improvements and beyond. Cantor Colburn Partner David Bomzer is on the speaking faculty.
- December 11, 2023
BioCT's 10th Annual Holiday Party is on December 11 in New Haven. BioCT supports the needs and serves as the unified voice of the bioscience community in our state.
- September 12, 2023
David Bomzer will speak at PLI's Patent Fundamentals Bootcamp 2023: An Introduction to Patent Drafting, Prosecution, and Litigation via Live Webcast on September 12, 2023. PLI’s Patent Bootcamp offers a comprehensive and interactive environment about the basics of patent application preparation, claims drafting, and prosecution, as well as recent developments in the law.
- September 10, 2023Boston
The Intellectual Property Owners Association 2023 Annual Meeting takes place September 10-12, 2023 in Boston.
- August 2, 2023
Cantor Colburn attorneys are active Connecticut Intellectual Property Law Association (CIPLA) members, and regularly serve as the organization's officers. Anne Maxwell, Ph.D. is President and David Bomzer is Program Chair. They will attend the CIPLA Lobster Bake and Annual Meeting 2023.
- April 19, 2023Quinnipiac University School of Law
Todd Garabedian, Partner and Vice Chair of the Life Sciences Practice at Cantor Colburn LLP, and other IP lawyers will participate in Diverse Careers in IP, a live panel at Quinnipiac University School of Law presented by the New York Intellectual Property Law Association (NYIPLA) on April 19, 2023. The panel will discuss opportunities for lawyers in today's intellectual property marketplace.
- April 17, 2023New Haven, Connecticut
The Connecticut Intellectual Property Law Association (CIPLA) is hosting a discussion of Jack Daniel’s Properties, Inc. v. VIP Products LLC, led by Susan Kohlmann, Partner at Jenner & Block on April 17, 2023 at the Elm City Club in New Haven, Connecticut.
- March 16, 2023
IPOwners Spring Summit™ will take place on March 16, 2023 in Washington, DC. The conference is designed for IP attorneys, with topics directly relevant to in-house counsel, and information for outside counsel that will enhance relationship building and productivity with their corporate clients.
- December 1, 2022Hartford, Connecticut
Trademark Counsel Ali Caless and Patent an IP Transactions Partner David Bomzer will speak at an Ethics CLE roundtable, Ethical Practices for Communications with Clients, Opposing Parties, and the USPTO, a discussion presented by the Connecticut Bar Association's Intellectual Property Section on December 1, 2022.
- November 9, 2022New York City
The New York Intellectual Property Law Association (NYIPLA) presents a One-Day Patent CLE Seminar. Cantor Colburn Partner David Bomzer will lead an interactive session on ethics. The program will cover significant emerging issues in patent law, maintaining and enforcing trade secrets, negotiating commercial agreements, recent Federal Circuit decisions and more.
- March 25, 2022New York City
The 100th Dinner in Honor of the Federal Judiciary will be held on March 25, 2022 in New York City.
- February 24, 2022webinar
Cantor Colburn attorneys David Bomzer and Sara Colburn will present the basics of intellectual property - patents, trademarks, and copyrights - and transactions relating to the transfer and development of intellectual property rights on February, 24, 2022 at a webinar presented to the Inventors Association of Connecticut.
- October 14, 2021virtual
David Bomzer, an active member of the New York Intellectual Property Law Association (NYIPLA), currently serving as Programs Planning Committee Chair of the Transaction and Patent Practice Committees, is one of the coordinators of the NYIPLA IP Transactions Bootcamp, taking place virtually in October and November 2021.
- June 2, 2021Live Webcast
David Bomzer will speak at PLI's Patent Fundamentals Bootcamp 2021: An Introduction to Patent Drafting, Prosecution, and Litigation via Live Webcast on June 2-4, 2021.
- April 22, 2021
The New York Intellectual Property Law Association's 99th Annual Dinner in Honor of the Federal Judiciary is virtual on April 22, 2021.
- April 21, 2021Webinar
David Bomzer spoke about patents versus trade secrets at the New York City Bar webinar, “An Introduction to IP Law for the Small Law Firm Practitioner: When Might Your Client Have an IP Issue and How to Start to Think About It,” on April 21, 2021.
- June 6, 2019Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, Connecticut
Cantor Colburn is proud to sponsor 2019 ScaleUP CT on June 6, 2019 at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut. Presented by the Connecticut Technology Council, ScaleUP CT is designed to support companies that are beyond the startup phase. ScaleUP CT is an event built to educate and invigorate the leaders of Connecticut's growing tech-oriented companies. Now in its third year, the event will support companies in the tech sector at every stage of their growth and development. Co-managing partner Michael Cantor is on the CTC board of directors and will be a part of the program.
- November 29, 2018New York City
Cantor Colburn's David Bomzer is a speaker at the New York City Bar and MIT Enterprise Forum of NYC program "Blockchain IP: Innovation and the Distributed Ledger Revolution," on November 29, 2018, a program for members and non-members alike.
- November 13, 2018
Charlie O'Brien and David Bomzer will present "What Non-IP Attorneys and Business Professionals Need to Know About IP Transactions," with West LegalEdcenter, a Thomson Reuters Webinar. This session will provide attorneys and business professionals with an overview of the basic categories of intellectual property and describe the various structures of typical IP transitions.
- October 24, 2018Hamden, Connecticut
Quinnipiac University School of Business and People’s United Bank are re-opening the People’s United Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship at a reception on October 24, 2018. Cantor Colburn attorneys Todd Garabedian, Ph.D. and David Bomzer are adjunct professors at Quinnipiac School of Law.
- October 12, 2018New Britain, Connecticut
The Connecticut Bar Association is offering a CLE, "A Lawyer's Primer on Blockchain and Smart Contracts," on October 12, 2018.
- November 11, 2017Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, Connecticut
David Bomzer will present a professional development workshop on Intellectual Property to the Professional Activities Committees for Engineers (PACE), the grassroots network of Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) volunteers and committees, on November 11, 2017, at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, Connecticut.
Panelist, Supreme Court Update, 13th annual World Congress Patents for Financial Services Summit, New York, July 21, 2016
Panelist, Diverse Careers in IP Law and Strategies for Achieving Success, NYIPLA and Cardozo School of Law Alumni Association, April 19, 2016
Event Chair, Corporate IP Counsel Forum, IP World Congress, New York, Mar. 23, 2006
Panelist, Annual IP Trademark, Copyright & Licensing Counsel Forum, ALM, New York, November 3, 2015
Panelist, Careers in IP Law, NYIPLA, Quinnipiac Law School, April 16, 2015
Event organizer/Panel Moderator, One-Day Patent CLE Seminar, NYIPLA, New York, Nov. 20, 2014
Event Co-Chair/Panel Moderator, Annual IP Trademark, Copyright & Licensing Counsel Forum, ALM, New York, Oct. 28, 2014
Moderator/Co-Chair, “Key Leadership Issues in Sports and Media Law: Maximizing Profits and Protecting the Brand,” the New York County Lawyers Association, April 29, 2014
Speaker, “Ethics in Social Media 2014,” the Practicing Law Institute, New York, NY, Mar. 17, 2014
Moderator, “NYIPLA 2014 One-Day CLE Program”, the New York Property Lawyers’ Association, The University Club, New York, NY, Jan. 16, 2014
Speaker, “Intellectual Property Basics-With Case Law Updates: Copyright Basics For The Corporate Attorney,” McCarter & English and the New York County Lawyers Association, Dec. 18, 2013
Speaker, “Intellectual Property in an International Landscape: What’s Your Risk?”, Corporate Counsel’s 6th Annual IP Trademark, Copyright & Licensing Counsel Forum, The University Club, New York, NY, Oct. 22, 2013
Speaker, “Understanding Patents, Copyrights & Trademarks: Practicing & Dispute Basics with Case Law Updates”, Day Pitney and the New York County Lawyers’ Association, April 10, 2013
Speaker, “Patent Law For Non-Patent Lawyers: Understanding A Patent”, the New York City Bar Association, Mar. 19, 2013
Speaker, “Protecting Your Products and Discoveries Perspectives from both In-House and Outside Patent Counsel,” McCarter & English and the New York County Lawyers Association, Dec. 11, 2012
Speaker, "Patent Law and the America Invents Act," Day Pitney and the New York County Lawyers’ Association, Feb. 22, 2012
Speaker, “Patent Law Upheaval? The New America Invents Act & Its Impact On Patent Rights”, the Nassau County Bar Association, Jan. 30, 2012
Speaker, “The Patent Reform Act,” the New York City Bar Association, Jan. 26, 2012
Moderator, "The Supreme Court's Increased Interest In Patent Law," New York Intellectual Property Lawyers Association, Nov. 3, 2011
Speaker, "A Review of Supreme Court Patent Law Decisions from 2011 & Their Impact on Your Practice," the New York City Bar Association, Oct. 12, 2011
Moderator, “Roundtable: Updates on Damages and the Use of Experts,” New York City Bar Association, June 7, 2011
Speaker, "Exploring Obviousness," Long Island Systems, Applications and Technology Conference, Farmingdale State College of the State University of New York, May 6, 2011
Speaker, “Patent Basics for Inventors, Engineers, Scientists, Entrepreneurs, and Students,” New York City Bar Association, April 7, 2011
Speaker, "What Is Patent Eligible Following the 2010 Supreme Court's Bilski Decision?" IEEE Consultants Network of Long Island, Feb. 9, 2011
Speaker, "Patent Protection Update: Software and Financial Method Patents," New York Technology Council, Inc, Jan. 18, 2011
Chair and Moderator, "Supreme Court Update," New York City Bar Association, Jan. 11, 2011
Speaker, "Navigating The Supreme Court's Bilski v Kappos Decision, Subsequent Federal Circuit and District Court Decisions, Including Prometheus Labs," Day Pitney and the New York County Lawyers’ Association, Dec. 22, 2010
Speaker, “Getting The Most Out Of Your Patent Licensing, The Impact of Bilski v Kappos,” New York City Bar Association, Dec. 6, 2010
Organizer, “NYIPLA 2010 Fall One-Day CLE Program,” New York Intellectual Property Lawyers’ Association, Nov. 4, 2010
Speaker, "Understanding the 2010 Examination Guidelines Update: Developments in the Obviousness Inquiry After KSR v.Teleflex," Day Pitney and the New York County Lawyers Association, Oct. 7, 2010
Speaker, “Patent Marking, How to Navigate This Changing Area Of Law,” Day Pitney and the New York County Lawyers Association, Mar. 25, 2010
Organizer and Panel Moderator, “NYIPLA 2009 Fall One-Day CLE Program”, Nov. 5, 2009
Organizer and Panel Moderator, “Current Issues in Patent Practice,” New York City Bar Association, Oct. 8, 2009
Speaker, “Federal Circuit Update: Prometheus Labs v Mayo Collaborative Services,” Day Pitney and the New York County Lawyers Association, Oct. 1, 2009
Speaker, “How to Protect Your Intellectual Property without Breaking Your Budget,” Day Pitney Webinar, May 5, 2009
Speaker, “Following Bilski, Comiskey & Recent Board Decisions, How To Navigate the Changing Area of Law for Business Method Patents,” Day Pitney and the New York County Lawyers Association, Feb. 24, 2009
Moderator, “Navigating Effective Intellectual Property Enforcement on the Web,” Day Pitney, Dec. 11, 2008
Panelist, “Roundtable on In Re Bilski,” New York City Bar Association, Dec. 2, 2008
Moderator, “NYIPLA 2008 Fall One-Day CLE Program”, The University Club and the New York Property Lawyers’ Association, Nov. 7, 2008
Panelist, “Design Patent Infringement - Egyptian Goddess v. Swisa,” Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, Apr. 14, 2008
Professional Affiliations
Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)
- IP Transactions Committee, Vice Chair, 2025
- IP Licensing and Related Issues Committee, Secretary, 2023-2024
Connecticut Bar Association
- Intellectual Property Section Executive Committee, 2021-2024
New York Intellectual Property Law Association (NYIPLA)
- Second Vice President, Executive Board
- Programs Planning Committee Chair 2021-2023
- Transaction and Patent Practice Committees, Board Nominating Committee, 2022-2023
New York City Bar Association
- Patent Committee, 2025
- Patent and Trade Secret Committees 2020-present
Connecticut Intellectual Property Lawyers Association (CIPLA)
- Secretary, Executive Team, 2025
- Program Chair, 2022-2023
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), former Section Vice President
International House of New York, former Steering Committee
Community/Civic Involvement
National Ski Patrol (N.S.P.), Patroller