Practice Areas
- Design Patents Practice
- Due Diligence in IP Acquisitions
- Electrical Engineering Practice
- Ex Parte Reexaminations
- Foreign & PCT Patent Filing
- Inter Partes Review
- Invalidity Opinions
- Mechanical Engineering Practice
- Non-infringement Opinions
- Opinions
- Patent Landscaping and Risk Analysis
- Patentability Opinions
- Patents
- Post Grant Practice
- Product Clearance
- Right to Practice Opinions
- Strategic IP Portfolio Development and Management
- Utility, Design, and Plant Patent Filing with the USPTO
- Computer Science & Software
- Electrical Engineering & Electronics
- Energy
- Environmental Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Devices
- Nanotechnology
- Optics
- Semiconductor Devices & Processing Methods
- Telecommunications
- Top 100 Most Active Patent Attorney, Patexia, 2023, 2024
- U.S. District Courts for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, 2003
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 1997
- State of Connecticut, 1995
- State of New York, 1995
- Assistant Clerk, Honorable Vincent A. Bifferato, Resident Judge of the Delaware Superior Court, 1995
Widener University School of Law, J.D., 1995
- Inducted into the Harrington Inn Honor Chapter of Phi Delta Phi
Fairfield University, B.S., Physics, 1992

Daniel P. Lent
With a focus on serving Asian companies, Daniel Lent is the partner in charge of a dedicated team of associate attorneys and support staff with specialized Asian experience. Dan lived and worked as an intellectual property (IP) lawyer in Asia and spent many years in school in Malaysia and Singapore as a youth. In 2004, he worked for Hitachi in their IP group in Tokyo, Japan. Dan was also an IP associate at the large international firm Reed Smith in their New York City office, where he also dealt extensively with Asia. With over 25 years of experience, the United States Patent and Trademark Office data shows that Dan has obtained thousands of U.S. patents and on average files approximately 250 US patents per year. Currently, he focuses on obtaining patents in the United States for clients from Japan and China. Dan visits Asia frequently and counsels Asian companies and law firms regarding IP litigation, infringement, contracts, and licensing matters. Dan is a lecturer at Japanese patent attorney groups on topics relating to changes in the U.S. patent and case law and strategies for implementing those changes.
Experience Highlights
Partner, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2008-present
Associate, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2004-2008
Patent Department, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan, 2004
Reed Smith LLP, New York City Office, 1999-2004
Ware Fressola Van Der Sluys & Adolphson LLP, Monroe, CT, 1995-1999
- March 15, 2024
Cantor Colburn is a 2024 Top 10 Most Active Law Firm and a 2024 Top 50 Best Performing Law Firm from Patexia. James Merrick, Daniel Lent, Daniel Drexler, Brad Lawrence, and David Fox are recognized individually for skill and productivity.
- May 18, 2024Atlanta
The International Trademark Association (INTA) 2024 Annual Meeting will take place in Atlanta from May 18-22, 2024. Thousands of intellectual property professionals from around the world will attend, including a large delegation from Cantor Colburn.
- May 2, 2024New York City
Dan Lent will attend the U.S.-Japan Society Conference: Navigating Business, Economy & Technology, presented by the Japan Society, on May 2, 2024, in New York City.
- November 8, 2023Washington, D.C.
Daniel Lent and Ko Nakamura will attend and present to officials from the Japanese Patent Office at the JPO - US Bar Liaison Council meeting on November 8, 2023 in Washington, D.C.
- March 25, 2022New York City
The 100th Dinner in Honor of the Federal Judiciary will be held on March 25, 2022 in New York City.
- November 14, 2017Nagoya, Japan
Daniel P. Lent, partner and Chair of Cantor Colburn's Japanese Practice, has been invited by the Intellectual Property Division of the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, a part of the Japanese government, to give a seminar to 100 patent attorneys, IP professionals, and local enterprises in Nagoya, Japan on November 14, 2017.
- January 26, 2017Osaka, Japan
On January 26, 2017, Daniel Lent, Cantor Colburn’s Japanese Practice Group Chair, spoke to 50 members of the Japan Patent Attorneys Association (JPAA) in Osaka regarding: Technology Transfer Strategies for Universities, Useful USPTO Pilot Programs, and Recent Rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit.
- October 20, 2015Washington, D.C.
Daniel Lent, partner and chair of the firm's Japanese Practice Group, will attend the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) IP Practice in Japan Pre-Meeting on October 20-21, 2015 in Washington, D.C.
- June 20, 2014
Cantor Colburn partner and Japanese Practice Group Leader, Daniel P. Lent, will speak at the meeting.
- January 28, 2014Phoenix, Arizona
Cantor Colburn partner and Japan Practice Group Leader Daniel P. Lent attended the American Intellectual Property Law Association Mid-Winter meeting, where he gave two presentations to the Japan Practice Committee. The first was on the new USPTO Patent Prosecution Highway Pilot Programs (PPH) and the second was on the Patent Law Treaty (PLT).
- AIPLA/JPAA Joint SeminarApril 9, 2013Tokyo, Japan
Professional Affiliations
American Intellectual Property Law Association
- IP Practice Group in China Group
- IP Practice Group in Japan Group
AIPPI-U.S. Asia Pacific Sub-Committee
U.S. Bar - JPO Liaison Council
SIPO - U.S. Bar Liaison Council
Intellectual Property Owners Association, Asian Practice Committee
International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
Connecticut Intellectual Property Law Association
Connecticut Optics and Photonics Association
The MIT Enterprise Forum of Connecticut
UNIGROUP UNIX users group of New York City