Practice Areas
- Chemical and Material Sciences Practice
- Due Diligence in IP Acquisitions
- Foreign & PCT Patent Filing
- Invalidity Opinions
- Non-infringement Opinions
- Opinions
- Patent Landscaping and Risk Analysis
- Patentability Opinions
- Patents
- Pharmaceutical Patent Services
- Pharmaceutical Practice
- Product Clearance
- Right to Practice Opinions
- Utility, Design, and Plant Patent Filing with the USPTO
- Biotechnology
- Chemistry
- Food Science
- Pharmaceuticals & Pharmaceutical Formulation
- IP Star, Managing IP, 2022-2024
- State of New York, 2008
- State of Connecticut, 2005
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 1999
University of Connecticut School of Law, J.D., with honors, 2005
Yale University, Ph.D., Biophysical Chemistry, 1995
Yale University, M.S., Chemistry, 1994
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, B.S., Chemistry, 1988
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, B.A., Biology, with honors, 1988

Anne Maxwell, Ph.D.
レスリー・アン・マクスウェル博士は、化学および生命科学分野の研究を業務としているクライアントの特許における代理業務の全てのサービスを提供しており、特に、医薬品および農薬の業界に重点をおいております。小分子医薬品、薬品送達および処方、生物学的治療、化学処理、医療診断、バイオ材料、および農薬の分野における、特許ドラフティング(特許書類の起草)および米国特許や非米国特許の審査手続きに関して、15年以上の経験を有しております。業務として、サーチを行い、特許性および操業の自由性を判断し、特許出願書類を起草してこれらの出願の審査手続きをし、クライアントに対して世界規模の効果的な特許の保護の達成できるよう助言をし、クライアントのライセンスおよびデューディリジェンスの手助けしております。また、無効および非侵害鑑定書を作成し、弊所の訴訟グループの略式新薬承認申請(Abbreviated New Drug Application)訴訟のサポートをしております。以前は、バイオ技術企業において、特許エージェントおよび化学者として勤務しておりました。
Experience Highlights
Partner, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2014-present
Counsel, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2012-2013
Associate, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2005-2011
Patent Agent, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2003-2005
Patent Agent, Neurogen Corporation, Branford, CT, 1998-2003
Postdoctoral Fellow, Neurogen Corporation, Branford, CT 1995-1998
- Patexia ANDA Intelligence Report 2024
Cantor Colburn is a Top 50 Best Performing Law Firm- Defendant and a Top 100 Most Active Law Firm-Defendant from the Patexia ANDA Intelligence Report 2024.
- June 28, 2024
Managing Intellectual Property has recognized seven Cantor Colburn attorneys in its 2024 IP Stars guide, which brings together the world’s foremost law firm and corporate intellectual property experts, allowing the wider community to benefit from their insight, experience and perspectives.
- The Patent LawyerAugust 1, 2023
Anne Maxwell, Partner and Chair of the Pharmaceutical Patent Practice Group, reports on the Amgen Inc. v. Sanofi case that has cemented enablement requirements drawn from the Wands Test and three recent biotech decisions in her article, "Federal Circuit cases provide enablement guidance following Supreme Court decision," appearing in the July/August 2023 issue of the Patent Lawyer Magazine.
- April 16, 2023
Cantor Colburn Co-Managing Partners Michael Cantor and Philmore Colburn and Partners Todd Garabedian, Anne Maxwell, David Fox, Leah Reimer, and Karl Vick are 2023 Patent Stars, from Managing Intellectual Property.
- February 19, 2023
AUTM’s Annual Meeting is the largest gathering of technology transfer professionals. This year's meeting on February 19-21, 2023, in Austin is a chance to connect, and gain insights from world-class speakers and panels from more than 90 educational sessions. Cantor Colburn's team at the meeting is Anne Maxwell, Ph.D. Bryan Zerhusen, Ph.D., Charlie O'Brien and Nicholas Herrel, Ph.D.
- The Connecticut Law TribuneApril 20, 2015
Cantor Colburn's article Will Biosimilar Applicants Opt Out of Patent Dance? Federal Court Ruling to Have Impact on Future Litigation Strategies," published by the Connecticut Law Tribune on April 20, 2015. Cantor Colburn has a strong IP Pharmaceutical Practice Group.
- Law360March 24, 2015
Members of Cantor Colburn's Pharmaceutical IP Services Practice Group co-authored an article on biosimilars entitled "BPCIA: How Long Does The Party Last And Do I Have To Dance?" that appeared in Law360 on March 24, 2015. The article is a discussion of Amgen Inc. v. Sandoz. Cantor Colburn has a strong IP Pharmaceutical Practice Group.
- October 20, 2014
Cantor Colburn Partner Anne Maxwell co-authored the article "Purple Book Launches New Chapter in Generic Drugs" that was published in the October 23, 2014 Connecticut Law Tribune.
- Connecticut Law TribuneApril 27, 2014
Leslie-Anne Maxwell, Ph.D., Partner and Pharmaceutical Group Co-Chair, wrote "Diagnostic Method Patents in Doubt" for the April 27, 2014 Connecticut Law Tribune regarding recent guidance from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in view of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions in Assoc. for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics and Mayo Collaborative Services v. Prometheus Laboratories, Inc.
- March 5, 2024Mumbai, India
Cantor Colburn is sponsoring the 13th Annual Pharma IPR Conference in Mumbai, India, on March 5-7, 2024. Steve Coyle, Anne Maxwell, and Nick Geiger of the Pharmaceutical Practice will attend and Steve will present, Improperly Listed Orange Book Patents – Recent FTC Scrutiny and Strategies for ANDA Filers to Take Advantage. The Pharma IPR conference is India's largest global pharm IP conference, and Cantor Colburn has sponsored and attended for many years.
- February 27, 2024Connecticut
Dr. Leslie-Anne Maxwell, Partner and Chair of Pharmaceutical Patent Practice Group at Cantor Colburn LLP will be the guest of the American Chemical Society, New Haven and Connecticut Valley Sections, presenting, "When Intellectual Property is Your Only Property – Strategies for New Companies," on February 27, 2024. Dennis Jakiela, Ph.D., Patent Agent with Cantor Colburn, chairs the 2024 ACS–New Haven Executive Board, and Cantor Colburn is a sponsor.
- June 15, 2023Boston
The 2023 Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (NERM 2023) will be organized by NESACS and will be hosted at Northeastern University in Boston. An all-star panel from Cantor Colburn LLP will discuss patent protection for innovative products or processes, which excludes others from making and selling the same products or using the same processes, can be critical to the profitability of tech companies. Cantor Colburn is proud to sponsor this meeting.
- June 5, 2023Boston
The BIO International Convention 2023 is in Boston, June 5-8, 2023. Thousands of biotechnology and pharma leaders will come together for intensive networking to discover new opportunities and partnerships. Cantor Colburn partners Anne Maxwell, Ph.D. and Todd Garabedian, Ph.D. will attend.
- July 27, 2022Boston
Anne Maxwell, Ph.D., Esq., Partner and Chair of the firm's Pharmaceutical Patent Practice, will attend the Women Leaders in Life Sciences Law Conference in Boston on July 27-28, 2022.
- May 17, 2022New Haven, Connecticut
Leslie-Anne Maxwell, Ph.D., Esq. will attend The Yale Innovation Summit, on May 17-18, 2022 in New Haven, Connecticut. Anne is a Partner and chairs the firm's Pharmaceutical Patent Practice.
- October 14, 2021virtual conference
Anne Maxwell, Ph.D., Esq., Chair of Cantor Colburn's Pharmaceutical Patent Services Practice, will speak on at the Hatch-Waxman and BPCIA Passport to Proficiency Series, a virtual three-week program designed to provide new lawyers and executives for the life sciences industry with a solid foundation for understanding the essentials as well as the intricacies of Hatch-Waxman and BPCIA litigation and regulation. Dr. Maxwell speak on The Purple Book, focusing on generic pharmaceuticals.
- March 4, 2020Mumbai, India
Cantor Colburn is pleased to sponsor the 9th Annual Pharma IPR Conference in Mumbai, India, on March 4-6, 2020. Steve Coyle and Anne Maxwell, Ph.D., Esq., co-chairs of the Pharmaceutical IP Services Practice Group, will attend, as will Nick Geiger.
- July 25, 2019Boston
Anne Maxwell, Ph.D., Esq. will attend the Women Leaders in Life Sciences Law conference in Boston on July 25-26, 2019.
- June 3, 2019Philadelphia
The BIO International Convention 2019 is in Philadelphia on June 3-6, 2019. More than 16,000 biotechnology and pharma leaders will come together for intensive networking to discover new opportunities and partnerships among a wide spectrum of life science and application areas, including drug discovery, biomanufacturing, genomics, biofuels, nanotechnology and cell therapy.
- September 12, 2018New York City
Pharmaceutical Practice Group Co-Chair and partner Anne Maxwell, Ph.D. will attend the Managing IP Life Sciences Forum on September 12, 2018 in New York City. The conference brings together industry leaders, inhouse and outside counsel, and members of the judiciary to discuss the latest decisions and significant changes affecting the life sciences industry today.
- June 4, 2018Boston, Massachusetts
The 2018 BIO International Convention will take place on June 4-7, 2018, in Boston, Massachusetts. Cantor Colburn attorneys Todd Garabedian, Ph.D. and Anne Maxwell, Ph.D. will attend the 25th annual event. More than 16,500 life sciences professionals will flock to Boston for the convention.
- March 7, 2018Mumbai, India
Cantor Colburn is pleased to sponsor the 7th Annual Pharma IPR Conference in Mumbai, India, on March 7-9. 2018. Cantor Colburn's Pharmaceutical IP Services Practice Group handles litigation, patent prosecution, inter partes reviews and other Patent Office review proceedings, opinions, landscapes, competitive intelligence, transactional services, portfolio management, biosimilar and interchangeable biological drugs, and more. Steve Coyle, who leads the Pharmaceutical Litigation Group, will speak on "ANDA filling and litigation: strategies to respond."
- November 2, 2017Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The Summit on IP Due Diligence: Comprehensive and Practical Tips for Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, and Medical Device Professionals will take place on November 2-3, 2017, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- October 25, 2017The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine (Farmington, Connecticut)
Cantor Colburn is proud to sponsor The 4th Annual Forum on Healthcare Innovation presented by The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine on October 25-26. 2017, at the Jackson Laboratory's Farmington, Connecticut headquarters. The Forum will focus on emerging science and technology that will change the future of healthcare, and innovations in healthcare.
- December 7, 2016Morristown, New Jersey
Leslie-Anne Maxwell, Ph.D., Partner and Co-Chair of the Pharmaceutical IP Services Practice, spoke on "Pharma Patent Battles" at the Pharma and IP Legal Summit in Morristown, New Jersey on December 7th.
- November 10, 2015Hartford, Connecticut
Cantor Colburn is proud to sponsor the Innovation Summit, presented by the Connecticut Technology Council.
- June 1, 2015New York City
Partner Leslie-Anne Maxwell will present a session at the American Conference Institute's 6th Annual Summit on Biosimilars, a forum on the legal, regulatory, patent, and commercial realities of follow-on biologics, June 1-3, 2015, in New York City. Maxwell, who holds a PhD in chemistry from Yale University as well as a legal degree, co-chairs the firm's Pharmaceutical Practice Group.
- April 25, 2015Hartford, Connecticut
Cantor Colburn is proud to be a returning sponsor of the UConn Health White Coat Gala.
- November 12, 2014Wallingford, Connecticut
Cantor Colburn is the founding sponsor of the Connecticut Innovation Summit, the state's largest tech networking event, where innovative, emerging, and disruptive companies, premier service providers, and elite technology leaders meet and celebrate innovation. The event concludes with an Awards Ceremony, hosted by Co-Managing Partner Michael Cantor, which will recognize the next generation of high-growth companies in Connecticut.
- October 23, 2014North Haven, Connecticut
Cantor Colburn partners Anne Maxwell, Ph.D., Esq. and Christopher Boehm, Esq. will present "Understanding and Valuing Intellectual Property" to the Connecticut Chapter of the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts on Thursday, October 23rd at the New Haven Realtors Association in North Haven, Connecticut.
- April 23, 2014New York, New York
Cantor Colburn partner Anne Maxwell, Ph.D. will speak on Patent Invalidity Due to the On Sale Bar - Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc. v. Sunbeam Products, Inc. during the 30th annual Joint Patent Practice Continuing Legal Education on April 23, 2014 in New York, New York.
The Keynote Speaker will be Hon. Alan D. Lourie of the U.S. Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit. Key government officials from the USPTO and FTC have been invited to join the program to discuss the latest developments in IP law. These include Drew Hirshfeld, USPTO Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy; Markus Meier, FTC Assistant Director; Janet Gongola, USPTO Patent Reform Coordinator and Associate Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy; Nathan Kelley, USPTO Solicitor and Deputy General Counsel for IP; and Hon. Thomas Giannetti, USPTO Lead Administrative Patent Judge, Patent & Trial Board.
- March 25, 2014Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut
Cantor Colburn partner Anne Maxwell, Ph.D., joins a panel discussion of the Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics decision and its impact on entrepreneurship In diagnostics and customized medicines at the Yale School of Medicine in New Haven on Tuesday, March 25, from 4-6 PM. This BioHaven seminar has convened a panel of experts from various sectors of the biotech and pharmaceutical industry to discuss the business implications of cases such as Myriad.
- February 5, 2014Ahmedabad, India
Cantor Colburn is sponsoring two intellectual property (IP) symposia in Mumbai and Ahmedabad, India on Strategies for Managing Pharma, Biotech & Chemical Patent Portfolios attended by research and development scientists and IP professionals from India, presented by the Institute of Intellectual Property Research & Development. Co-Managing Partner Michael Cantor and Pharmaceutical Litigation Practice Group Chair Steve Coyle will lead a team to make presentations on strategic generic pharmaceutical patent portfolio issues.
- February 3, 2014Mumbai, India
Cantor Colburn is sponsoring two intellectual property (IP) symposia in Mumbai and Ahmedabad, India on Strategies for Managing Pharma, Biotech & Chemical Patent Portfolios attended by research and development scientists and IP professionals from India, presented by the Institute of Intellectual Property Research & Development. Co-Managing Partner Michael Cantor and Pharmaceutical Litigation Practice Group Chair Steve Coyle will lead a team to make presentations on strategic generic pharmaceutical patent portfolio issues.
- November 7, 2013Wallingford, Connecticut
Cantor Colburn is a platinum sponsor of the Connecticut Innovation Summit, a day-long program for executives, entrepreneurs, rising technology leaders, and investors to come together to share ideas and promote innovation. The program includes mentor meetings, a funding fair, a sales pitch competition, a poster expo, and an awards ceremony.
Professional Affiliations
Association of University Technology Managers, (AUTM)
Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)
- Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Issues Committee, 2023-2024
Connecticut Intellectual Property Law Association
- President, 2022-2023
- Program Chair, 2017-2018
Alpha Chi Sigma