Counterfeit products – from handbags to electronics – cost the global economy billions of dollars. The cost to a client’s reputation can be incalculable. If not properly addressed, counterfeiting can result in permanent harm to a brand and significant loss of revenue. In addition, the move of counterfeiting to the online environment has created new challenges for IP owners.
Cantor Colburn’s Anti-Counterfeiting practice group melds extensive legal experience and technical knowledge with the support of firm-wide resources to help clients successfully address the complex challenges posed by counterfeiters. A number of our attorneys have dealt with counterfeiting as in-house counsel for major brand owners.
Our full range of targeted, proactive anti-counterfeiting services and solutions is designed to help clients prevent and eliminate counterfeiting; offering critical protection for their brands. Working closely with our clients, we develop and implement effective anti-counterfeiting strategies and countermeasures. We coordinate investigations of possible counterfeiting to develop the necessary evidence to support enforcement of our clients’ rights. We can build enforcement coalitions and leverage government enforcement efforts on behalf of our clients. We record client trademarks with U.S. Customs and Border Patrol and customs services in other jurisdictions, and assist those agencies when suspected counterfeits are detected. We work with other government administrative and law enforcement agencies that can act against counterfeiters. We also coordinate with a network of vetted foreign associates to help intercept and staunch the flow of counterfeit goods as well as pursue the ultimate manufacturers to stop counterfeiting at its source.
While Cantor Colburn litigators are fully prepared to take counterfeiters to trial, we are also experienced in establishing client settlement policies for counterfeiting matters that can lead to successful and cost-effective outcomes short of litigation. In addition, our team advises clients on publicity releases and warning advertisements related to counterfeiting.